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The landscape of education is rapidly evolving, particularly in the field of medicine, largely due to advancements in technology. At the forefront of this revolution, modern medical education apps significantly enhance specialised training, providing all those involved in medicine with an effective platform for continuous learning.

Devico, a respected medical education app development company, boasts an impressive track record in delivering cutting-edge eLearning and mLearning solutions for the healthcare sector. Our substantial industry knowledge, combined with the application of innovative technologies, positions us as the preferred choice for medical education app development.

Companies we work with

Trusted by clients from 39 countries. Our global presence enables us to deliver software services 24/7/365 and swiftly adapt to any zone and customer’s requirements


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Year of Healthcare experience


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The Significance of e-Learning Apps in Healthcare

Continuous education is an indispensable requirement for anyone engaged in healthcare. Traditional education methods fall short in achieving the desired outcomes. In contrast, advanced medical eLearning solutions are transformative. They enable students and healthcare professionals to effectively absorb vast quantities of data, learn new skills, swiftly locate and review necessary information, and keep pace with evolving industry trends. Hence, eLearning for healthcare is of paramount importance. Such solutions offer a plethora of benefits, a few of which are highlighted below.


Medical education apps allow learners to study at their own pace, unrestricted by location or time. These apps facilitate knowledge expansion during commute times, while queuing, cooking dinner, on holiday, and more. Most physicians regularly utilise reference apps in their daily practice to assist with diagnosis, treatment planning, and dosage calculation


Offline training can pose significant costs for individuals and organisations. For example, healthcare professionals wishing to attend a particular lecture must arrange time off work, pay for participation, travel expenses, accommodation, and bear other related costs. The same applies to corporate training, where medical organisations incur substantial expenses for offline professional development. Medical eLearning solutions provide a cost-effective alternative through the introduction of online courses


Medical education apps offer educators the flexibility to create new courses or update existing ones easily. They also support a wide range of learning formats such as images, audio, videos, textbooks, articles, interactive quizzes, providing materials in the most suitable form for comprehensive understanding


Medical education apps ensure instant access to learning materials for students and healthcare professionals whenever required. They facilitate online course participation, allowing the acquisition of new knowledge from the comfort of homes or offices


Medical education apps not only make the learning process more convenient but also more effective. With diverse learning formats, gamification, access to an extensive healthcare literature database, and availability of up-to-date courses, medical education becomes more efficient, leading to improved patient care

Educational Healthcare Apps We Develop

With an established background in medical education app development, Devico offers exceptional solutions for corporate training, self-learning, and educational institutions. Below, we highlight the key types of educational healthcare apps we develop

Key Features of Our Medical e-Learning Apps

While the features of each app are shaped by its specific purpose, there are a few elements commonly integrated into our medical eLearning app development.

Virtual Classes

Our virtual classes mirror the experience of physical classrooms, ensuring seamless student-tutor interaction, effective collaboration, and time efficiency. They allow students to join live classes or access recorded sessions at their convenience.

Live Chat

Recognising that questions are inevitable in medical studies, we include a live chat feature for direct student-tutor communication. This facilitates timely responses to queries and encourages knowledge sharing among students in a general chat room.

Online Assessments

To track students` progress and identify learning gaps, our eLearning solutions include online assessments such as interviews, knowledge tests, and quizzes.


To make learning more engaging and enjoyable, we incorporate gamification into our apps. Elements like scores, ratings, leaderboards, badges, and progress bars fuel competition and enhance student motivation.

Medical Literature Research

Keeping abreast of current medical knowledge and literature is vital for professionals in the healthcare field. Our medical literature research feature provides users access to renowned medical journals and literature, allowing them to select topics of interest, compile reading lists, and bookmark crucial data.

Training and Learning Tools

A high-quality health education app should offer an array of tools that equip students for daily tasks and significant decision-making. Features such as clinical treatment guidelines, disease diagnosis aids, laboratory test ordering and interpretation, and calculators can be immensely beneficial.

Video Streaming and Multimedia Elements

Interactivity and multimedia play a critical role in enhancing the absorption of new information. Our video content simplifies the understanding of complex concepts, and along with a comprehensive video library, we offer video streaming. These educational streams exemplify to interns and residents how their skills and knowledge can be practically applied.

Push Notifications

Push notifications offer timely reminders and updates to app users, keeping students informed about new course availability, changes in online class schedules, deadlines, and more.

Educational Healthcare Apps We Develop

With an established background in medical education app development, Devico offers exceptional solutions for corporate training, self-learning, and educational institutions. Below, we highlight the key types of educational healthcare apps we develop.

Educational Platforms

Our educational platforms serve as comprehensive medical eLearning software solutions, offering a wide array of learning materials and online courses. They foster a flexible, accessible, and personalised learning experience, customised to each user's unique needs, and support cloud-based data sharing.

Medical Reference Apps

We understand that healthcare professionals require quick access to precise and current medical information. Our medical reference apps provide an efficient alternative to traditional medical guides, supplying essential data on drug side effects, adverse reactions, symptoms, and more.

AR/VR Solutions

Augmented and virtual reality technologies play a pivotal role in our medical eLearning software development. Primarily utilised in surgical operation simulations and emergency case scenarios, these solutions allow practitioners to hone complex procedures in a risk-free 3D environment, and students to swiftly and accurately respond to simulated emergencies, preparing them for real-world situations.

3D Imaging Solutions

Leveraging advanced visualisation technologies, our 3D imaging solutions facilitate clear understanding of medical concepts and procedures. These apps meticulously illustrate skeleton structures, blood-vascular systems, internal organs, and more, potentially eliminating the need for cadavers in anatomy studies. They can also elucidate the mechanism of action - the biochemical interaction through which a drug or substance impacts the human body.

Webinar Platforms

In the era of remote learning and work, webinars are an ideal solution for remote knowledge sharing and interaction. Our webinar platforms facilitate interactive elements such as quizzes and Q&A sessions, enhancing group discussions and reinforcing new knowledge.

Educational Platforms

Our educational platforms serve as comprehensive medical eLearning software solutions, offering a wide array of learning materials and online courses. They foster a flexible, accessible, and personalised learning experience, customised to each user's unique needs, and support cloud-based data sharing.

Healthcare Software Security Standards and Certifications

Our healthcare software development services are provided in strict compliance with the key global healthcare industry regulations, standards and best practices. So you can guarantee the security of your solutions and ensure your sensitive patient information and clinical data is kept safe. Our healthcare security expertise encompasses:
  • Understanding of health information privacy standards (GDPR, HIPAA, HITECH);
  • Experience with healthcare standards (e.g., HL7, FHIR, CDA, DICOM, ICD, ICPC-2);

Compliance with:

  • ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems
  • ISO 20000:2018 IT Service Management systems
  • ISO 27001:2013 Information Security Management Systems

e-Prescription Software Development Process

Step 1


At this stage, our specialists get acquainted with your idea, needs, and available project documentation. This knowledge helps them to craft a comprehensive vision of a product, make a rough estimation in terms of the required time and resources, and make up a web app development roadmap

Step 2


The team identifies the most appropriate tech stack, defines software architecture, and uncovers possible risks along with the ways of their mitigation

Step 3


To create designs that your audience will adore we take into account multiple factors like simplicity, intuitiveness, aesthetics, mobile responsiveness, and many more. Your business needs are also within our focus, therefore created designs are SEO-friendly, represent your brand identity, and translate your messages to a target audience

Step 4


As a rule, we apply the Scrum development methodology suggesting iterative product development. This approach helps to establish a resource-effective and time-efficient workflow

Step 5

Quality Assurance

A comprehensive set of manual and automated tests is performed to check your tailor-made web app inside out and make sure that every single component works as intended

Step 6


Your web application is launched and all the required infrastructure is set up

Step 7


Our web development consultants are available to you for any further modernization, maintenance, updates, or consultation

What our customers say

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Having had bad experiences in the past, I was most impressed by the communication of the engineers and the Devico management. They were great partners and worked well to help us achieve our project goals. They provided flexibility when needed and helped us keep our project on schedule.

Threat hunting is no longer an art. It's a SCIENCE.

I was completely satisfied. They were very flexible and adaptive to our changing needs. I find them responsible and quick to deliver. I can't identify any areas of improvement.

Our hiring process

In order to have indeed brilliant specialists on the team, we are always super-scrupulous about our hiring process suggesting six steps:

  • The formation of the requirements for a jobseeker;
  • A thorough review of resumes;
  • A screening interview with our HR specialist;
  • English level assessment;
  • Soft skill assessment;
  • A technical interview with a team lead;
  • Getting a job offer;
  • A warm welcome to our team.

Our employees are our most valuable asset which is why we always take the time to hire only those who are the best fit.

Frequently asked questions

Medical e-learning apps offer several key advantages, including convenience, accessibility, cost-saving, and efficiency, making them a popular choice in modern medical education.

We leverage our extensive experience and cutting-edge technologies such as machine learning and AI to develop medical education apps. However, we also collaborate with experienced subject matter experts who advise us, ensuring the high quality of the final product.

The cost can only be estimated after a detailed examination of your project requirements. The final price is influenced by several factors, including the selection of tools, feature list, and design. However, as a general guide, the cost of medical education app development starts from USD 50,000.

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With a pan European talent pool, Devico brings together the continents best talent and makes them available for you

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