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The healthcare industry is undergoing sweeping changes. Advanced technologies like AI and ML, Big Data, blockchain, cloud, etc. are actively used in the development of healthcare solutions and have changed not only the way some illnesses are treated but also the way healthcare services are delivered. Healthcare applications of different purposes are designed for healthcare facilities, medical practices, laboratories, insurance companies, and pharmacies. Among their users are patients, doctors, administrative staff, scientists, researchers, and others. Devico offers end-to-end healthcare development services to diverse companies engaged in the healthcare sector. Our team builds cutting-edge, secure, robust, regulatory-compliant healthcare software solutions that facilitate businesses and customer experience as well as contribute to the creation of a powerful healthcare ecosystem.

Companies we work with

Trusted by clients from 39 countries. Our global presence enables us to deliver software services 24/7/365 and swiftly adapt to any zone and customer’s requirements

What is Chronic Care Management Software?

Chronic disease is a long-term health condition that may not have a cure. Therefore, people fighting such illnesses require ongoing care and control. Chronic disease management software solutions (CDMS) are designed to enable physicians and patients to control a course of a disease and its treatment.

Using chronic disease management apps doctors can remotely control the health status of patients with chronic illnesses. Such solutions collect patients health data through sensors embedded in wearables and submit it in real-time to a connected mobile app or EHR so that doctors can be aware of patients` state of health and identify or even predict crises in advance. 

It is a tech-savvy world and the internet revolution has taken the planet by storm. The internet has seen unprecedented penetration all across the world and people have already started to reap its growing benefits. Similarly, web applications have started to mushroom across all categories A to Z and are giving people a previously unheard-of opportunity to sit at home in their pyjamas and browse their desired products and services and order them – even in the dead of night. Offline business owners have already started to feel the significance of the online shopping wave and have begun to opt for an online presence in the form of an e-commerce website showcasing their products and fulfilling orders 24/7.

Features We Implement in Chronic Disease Management Apps

All chronic disease management apps vary. A list of features heavily depends on the addressed disease and needs of a product owner.  Devico offers top-notch chronic disease management app development services and always advocates a personalized approach but there are still some basic features that are worth being considered

Medication Intake Schedule

Regular medicine intake is essential for receiving positive results. Enable doctors to set medication intake schedules and let users receive reminders about the necessity to take their medications. This feature helps patients follow doctors’ recommendations and not to miss medicine intake. Reminders should involve all the needed information like the name of medicines and dosage

Tracking of non-compliant patients

This feature is closely related to the previous one. If a patient does not log medicine intakes, a doctor is informed about that. The doctor can reach out to the patient or caregivers to find out the reasons for the failure to adhere to the treatment plan. Additional educational materials or support can be used to improve the situation

Health Indicators Tracker

Chronic disease management software measures and tracks key vitals such as blood pressure, heart rate, blood glucose level, etc. through integrations with wearables. Whenever a certain abnormality is identified, a patient and a doctor receive alerts. This way patients can monitor their health state and doctors can make informed decisions about their treatment

Intellectual property protection

As soon as a custom mobile application is built up, all of the proprietary code and intellectual property rights are handed over directly to you as the only possible owner

Nutrition Recommendations

As a rule, people with chronic diseases should follow certain diets to mitigate the risk of exacerbation and enhance immunity. So, offer app users personalized diet and nutrition plans based on their diagnosis and current health state. A plan should contain not only a list of recommended products but also a list of products that can be consumed only in limited quantities, and those that must not be consumed at all

Scalable and future-proof applications

Every mobile application is crafted with the account that it will be getting more popular and downloaded. This lets you be confident that your app will easily withstand any influx of users and increased traffic

Personalized Notifications and Alerts

Partly we described this feature above. Notifications and alerts are of utter importance for chronic disease management apps as due to them doctors and patients are kept well-informed on the current health state and measures to be taken. For example, when symptoms worsen, a patient with asthma receives a corresponding alert prompting them to take medication or seek medical attention. At the same time, a doctor receives an alert about the patient`s seizure as well and takes immediate action

Integration with EHR

Integrate a chronic disease management app with an EHR system to automatically submit there the collected health data and generated reports. This way, all the data is stored centrally, and doctors can get access to all the needed patient information: health indicators, medical history, prescriptions, etc. It helps to make informed decisions about treatment and improve care coordination

Healthcare Software Security Standards and Certifications

Our healthcare software development services are provided in strict compliance with the key global healthcare industry regulations, standards and best practices. So you can guarantee the security of your solutions and ensure your sensitive patient information and clinical data is kept safe. Our healthcare security expertise encompasses:
  • Understanding of health information privacy standards (GDPR, HIPAA, HITECH);
  • Experience with healthcare standards (e.g., HL7, FHIR, CDA, DICOM, ICD, ICPC-2);

Compliance with:

  • ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems
  • ISO 20000:2018 IT Service Management systems
  • ISO 27001:2013 Information Security Management Systems

Chronic Disease Management Development Process

Step 1


At this stage, our specialists get acquainted with your idea, needs, and available project documentation. This knowledge helps them to craft a comprehensive vision of a product, make a rough estimation in terms of the required time and resources, and make up a web app development roadmap

Step 2


The team identifies the most appropriate tech stack, defines software architecture, and uncovers possible risks along with the ways of their mitigation

Step 3


To create designs that your audience will adore we take into account multiple factors like simplicity, intuitiveness, aesthetics, mobile responsiveness, and many more. Your business needs are also within our focus, therefore created designs are SEO-friendly, represent your brand identity, and translate your messages to a target audience

Step 4


As a rule, we apply the Scrum development methodology suggesting iterative product development. This approach helps to establish a resource-effective and time-efficient workflow

Step 5

Quality Assurance

A comprehensive set of manual and automated tests is performed to check your tailor-made web app inside out and make sure that every single component works as intended

Step 6


Your web application is launched and all the required infrastructure is set up

Step 7


Our web development consultants are available to you for any further modernization, maintenance, updates, or consultation

What our customers say

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Having had bad experiences in the past, I was most impressed by the communication of the engineers and the Devico management. They were great partners and worked well to help us achieve our project goals. They provided flexibility when needed and helped us keep our project on schedule.

Threat hunting is no longer an art. It's a SCIENCE.

I was completely satisfied. They were very flexible and adaptive to our changing needs. I find them responsible and quick to deliver. I can't identify any areas of improvement.

Important Benefits of Chronic Disease Management Solutions

Chronic disease management software development services are in great demand now. New technology and medical advances give an opportunity to create more and more efficient solutions addressing the needs of people with chronic illnesses. Moreover, they help doctors to ease off related hassles and challenges. Let’s shed the light on the key benefits that chronic disease management software brings


Better Access to Healthcare Services

Chronic disease management apps can improve access to healthcare services by providing remote monitoring and telemedicine capabilities. Patients can receive care and professional consultations from the comfort of their homes. Healthcare services become more convenient and accessible as the number of in-person visits considerably reduces. People can live their usual lives and visit a doctor only for pre-planned checkups or after receiving alerts that are sent by an app if any vital is beyond the norm. It is also worth mentioning that as long as such apps allow to avoid exacerbations, patients cut their spending on healthcare

Personalized Patient Engagement

Patients’ acknowledgment of their health and involvement in the care are vital when addressing chronic illnesses. Even outside a doctor’s office, they should make efforts and strictly adhere to prescriptions. A chronic care management app is a great way to engage patients and remind them about the necessity to follow a treatment plan. Using such an app, patients can track their health state and receive personalized education content and reminders to ensure stable conditions and avoid deterioration

Better Quality of Care for High-Risk Patients

When it comes to caring for high-risk patients, any oversight can cost a life. Chronic disease management software is of great help in this case as it tracks  patients’ conditions continuously, detects red flags, predicts crises, and immediately alerts doctors, patients, or caregivers. Plenty of lives can be saved thanks to the preventive approach and timely intervention

Complete Control Over the Patient`s Treatment Journey

As long as chronic diseases require ongoing care, CDMS is what healthcare providers need to guide patients through the whole journey and ensure their well-being. With such a solution in place, doctors easily track patients’ health states in real time, control their adherence to the prescribed treatment, and monitor the efficiency of prescribed medicines in order to swiftly tweak a treatment course if needed

Higher Patient Satisfaction Rate

Client satisfaction is an important success criterion for any business, the healthcare domain is not an exception. By offering patients to use a chronic care management app, healthcare facilities can improve patient satisfaction rates. This is obvious, as such software indeed immensely improves health conditions and the overall life quality of people with chronic diseases. Such apps provide convenience, accuracy, round-the-clock care, risk mitigation, timely preventive measures, and a personalized approach that patients highly appreciate

Better Efficiency of Care Staff

Chronic disease management software significantly reduces the number of in-person visits, automatically submits health data to an EHR system, helps to early identify exacerbations, provides tips on treatment planning, etc. All these boost staff’s efficiency and productivity. Less time is spent on administrative tasks, and doctors can concentrate on patients requiring their precise attention

Recurring Revenue for Healthcare Providers

By using chronic disease management software, healthcare providers level up their services and attract more clients. Moreover, as patients use such apps on an ongoing basis, every month hospitals receive steady income that justifies their investment in chronic care management software development

Our hiring process

In order to have indeed brilliant specialists on the team, we are always super-scrupulous about our hiring process suggesting six steps:

  • The formation of the requirements for a jobseeker;
  • A thorough review of resumes;
  • A screening interview with our HR specialist;
  • English level assessment;
  • Soft skill assessment;
  • A technical interview with a team lead;
  • Getting a job offer;
  • A warm welcome to our team.

Our employees are our most valuable asset which is why we always take the time to hire only those who are the best fit.

Frequently asked questions

We ensure not only compliance with HIPAA but also with HITECH, FDA, and other regulations. Our software is aligned with ISO 9001, ISO 27001, and ISO 13485. It means that by applying for our chronic care management app development services, you can be confident in receiving high-quality and secure CDMS that can pass all inspections performed by the corresponding authorities.

Chronic care management software solutions provide all the scope of helpful features for care management, such as medication intake scheduling, health indicators tracking, symptom trackers, personalized notifications, video consultations, and many more.

It would be unprofessional to name a price without completely understanding the needs of a project. Let’s have a kick-off meeting to discuss your goals, requirements, and other details needed to estimate the cost. All preliminary consultations are free, so feel free to drop us a line.

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